Navajo Water
The onset of the COVID 19 pandemic increased and further exposed clean water access issues that Native American communities face every day. The Haury Program is honored to work with Dr. Crystal Tulley Cordova of Navajo Water Department and other partners organized as the Water Access Coordination Group to help alleviate these problems and work towards sustainable equitable solutions.
School Gardens
The University of Arizona’s School Garden Workshop (SGW) connects Tucson educators and community organizations with university students eager to participate in the school garden movement occurring throughout the country. University student interns are matched with underserved school garden placement sites where they support the installation, development and maintenance of a garden program.
A Student's Journey
The 2019 Haury’s Challenge Grant winner, A Student’s Journey Program started as a joint-collaboration between Tohono O’odham Community College (TOCC) and the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC) at the University of Arizona to increase the number of transfer students from TOCC by developing a sense of belonging at 4-year universities and increasing academic and professional capacity building. The program grew, and is now a year-long program with a 5-week on-campus summer experience at the University of Arizona and has expanded to include other Tribal College students as well.