Recording of the Opening Panel “Navigating Supreme Court Decisions Impacting Tribes” to the 2023 AZ Tribal Sovereignty Forum Is Now Available!

On Wednesday, September 13th, the University of Arizona welcomed top national tribal law experts and Arizona tribal leaders as a part of the 2023 Arizona Tribal Sovereignty Forum to provide legal analysis and expertise on the recent US Supreme Court cases, and to create space for questions and concerns to be expressed and addressed. The opening panel entitled “Navigating Supreme Court Decisions Impacting Tribes” and moderated by UA Law Professor Heather Whiteman Runs Him featured Matthew Fletcher, Professor of Law, University of Michigan, Melody McCoy, NARF/Supreme Court Project, Staff Attorney, and Greg Ablavsky, Professor of Law, Stanford University. Distinguished speakers tackled some crucial questions, such as: Where has the Court been, what recent decisions tell us, and what are we watching closely? What about life after McGirt/Castro-Huerta and what do we make of the ongoing challenges to tribal sovereignty post-Castro-Huerta? To view the recording from this panel please visit For a full story on the Forum and more information on how UA is serving and engaging with 22 Arizona tribal nations visit