Toni Massaro

James E. Rogers College of Law
University of Arizona
1201 E. Speedway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85721
Toni’s interest in the Haury Program stems from her deep respect for Mrs. Haury, her desire to support her legacy, and her belief in the Program’s worthy and urgent aim of procuring a more just and environmentally secure future for generations to come. She served as the Chair of the Haury Program’s Advisory Council from 2014-2019, where she provided insights and advice to the trustees of the Haury Estate bequest.
Toni M. Massaro received her B.S. degree, with the highest distinction, from Northwestern University. She obtained her law degree from the College of William and Mary, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the William and Mary Law Review. Before joining the faculty at the University of Arizona College of Law in 1989, she practiced private law and taught at Washington and Lee University, Stanford University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the University of Florida.
Professor Massaro has been the Milton O. Riepe Chair in Constitutional Law since 1997 and in 2006 was named a Regents Professor by the Arizona Board of Regents. From 1999 - 2009, she served as Dean of the College of Law, the first woman to hold that post. Her research is in the areas of constitutional law, with particular emphasis on freedom of expression, equality, and substantive due process.
Professor Massaro also has written on the use of shame penalties in criminal law, artificial intelligence and freedom of speech, and the constitutional implications of the Flint water contamination crisis. She is the author of is The Arc of Due Process in American Constitutional Law (with E. Thomas Sullivan), Constitutional Literacy: A Core Curriculum for a Multicultural Nation, and Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems (with Barbara Allen Babcock and Norman Spaulding). She is an eight-time recipient of the Teacher of the Year Award.