Mika Galilee-Belfer

Mika Galilee-Belfer, received funding for Haury Visiting Associateships in July 2016, as the Director of Strategic Planning and Special Projects for UA’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS). Galilee-Belfer used the award to host two visiting associates to participate in the SBS conference, “Food and Water in Arid Lands: Dialogues Across Contemporary and Traditional Knowledge” and extend this participation to interaction with colleagues and around the state on an extended visit. Fellows Dr. Andrew Mushita, who works with the Community Technology Development Trust in Zimbabwe and studies seed exchange, biopiracy, small-scale farms, and seed trusts, and Dr. Alejandro Argumedo, who is affiliated with ANDES and Potato Park and whose work involves the protection and development of Andean biological and cultural diversity and the rights of indigenous peoples of Peru, shared their expertise about traditional food systems. Mushita served as a panelist in a session entitled “Traditional Knowledge and Food Systems” while Argumedo participated in the panel on “Traditional Knowledge in a Time of Climate Change” to provide information on global practices that may positively affect policies, practices, communication, advocacy, and education in Southwestern Arizona. Along with UA faculty, community partners, and tribal nations members, Mushita and Argumedo engaged in discussions addressing sustainable approaches to food and water rights, security, sovereignty, intellectual property, and social justice in a time of climate change. The SBS premiered the video "Food, Water and Traditional Knowledge" at the conference. To learn more about conference sessions, themes, and next steps, read the post-conference report here.