Michael McDonald
Community Member, Executive Director Arizona Land and Water Trust

Native southern Arizonan, Michael McDonald shares the Haury Program’s commitment to the equitable health and sustainable resiliency of the region’s biocultural diversity and has served in leadership roles in environmental and human-service nonprofits for the past two decades. He is a graduate of both the UArizona and the Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management. Mr. McDonald is currently the Executive Director of Arizona Land and Water Trust. Prior to that he served as the Executive Director of the Tucson Audubon Society and CEO of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. His career includes leadership positions with Habitat for Humanity Tucson, NativeSeeds/SEARCH, and the Nature Conservancy. In addition to his professional work, McDonald is also an active community volunteer, currently serving on the boards of several nonprofits and government commissions. Mr. McDonald’s family members enjoy bird watching and are active environmentalists.